Good morning California! It is already after 5:00 pm here in Amsterdam. With two flights already done, we are at our last stop before Israel. Despite the long layover, we are staying busy by preparing for the the trip in every way possible. We are reviewing the schedule, testing all of our tech gear, and wearing in our decks of playing cards. The trip felt like an adventure a minute after we stepped off the plane in LAX and learned that we had to exit and re-enter the airport and then wait in line to reprint all of our boarding passes before rushing to our transatlantic flight, which was leaving 45 minutes later. We made the flight and realized that despite the hassle, LAX was worth it because Maya joined us there.
The 10 hour flight went well enough. Some of us even had *gasp* empty seats next to us to stretch out. The Amsterdam airport has been pretty cool too - we found a place to get Dutch omelets and fruit smoothies. Another highlight was the collection of China that the Netherlands is so famous for, including some smoothies. Another highlight was the collection of porcelain china that the Netherlands is so famous for, including some enormous plastic replicas that we could all fit inside.
We are trying to to get all of these moments on camera, and most of them will show up on Instagram. Please be sure to to follow us on twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and check in with us on our blog. The next time you hear from us, we should be in Israel.